2025-02-07 Azhar Rashid Teli JKSSB Subject Wise MCQs, Accounts Assistant Finance Syllabus, Kashmir University Latest Updates, JMI Latest Updates, JKSSB Latest Job Notifications, JKPSC Latest Job Notifications, Government Jobs, JKPSC, JKSSC, SSC, JMI, Kashmir University
Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board Syllabus for Written test (Objective Type) for the post of Labour Officer (Labour and Employment)
Marks : 100 Time : 2.00 Hours
General English 10 Marks
(i) Tenses
(ii) Rearranging of jumbled sentences.
(iii) Narration
(iv) Models
(v) Articles
(vi) Comprehension with blanks to be filled in with
i. Phrases
ii. Pronouns
iii. Homonyms/ homophones.
(vii) Clauses
(viii) Synonyms and antonyms
(ix) Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences.
(x) Idioms and phrases.
(xi) Uses of Prepositions.
(xii) Active & Passive Voice
Indian Economy 20 Marks
(i) Land System and its changes
(ii) Commercialization of Agriculture
(iii) Drain theory, Laizzez faire theory and critique.
(iv) Manufacture and Transport Jute, Cotton, Railways, Money and Credit.
(v) Agriculture Land Reforms and land tenure system, Green Revolution and capital formation in agriculture
(vi) National and per capita income patterns, trends, aggregate and sectoral composition and changes their in.
(vii) Factors determining National income and distribution, Measures of New Economic Reform
(viii) New Economics Policy and Industry
(ix) New Economic Policy and Trade Intellectual property rights Implications of TRIPS, TRIMS, GATS and new EXIM policy.
(x) New Economic Policy and Public Finance Fiscal Responsibility Act, Fifteenth Finance Commission and Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Consolidation.
(xi) New Economic Policy and Employment Employment and poverty, Rural wages, Employment Generation, Poverty alleviation schemes, New Rural, Employment Guarantee Scheme.
Indian Society 20 Marks
(i) Social background of Indian nationalism.
(ii) Modernization of Indian tradition.
(iii) Protests and movements during the colonial period.
(iv) Social reforms.
(v) Social Structure Rural and Agrarian.
(vi) Agrarian social Structure evolution of land tenure system, land reforms
(vii) Caste System
(viii) Features of Caste System.
(ix) Untouchability forms and perspectives.
(x) Tribal communities in India Definitional problems, Geographical spread and Issues of integration and autonomy
(xi) Social Classes in India Agrarian class structure, Industrial class structure, Middle classes in India.
(xii) Systems of Kinship in India Lineage and descent in India, Types of kinship systems
Labour Laws 30 Marks
(i) Definition of Trade Union and the right to form the Trade Union.
(ii) Legal Control and Protection of Trade Union Registration, amalgamation, rights, immunities, liabilities and dissolution. Trade Union Funds.
(iii) Strikes, lockouts, lay off and retrenchment. Transfer and closure.
(iv) Unfair labour practices.
(v) Disciplinary proceedings.
(vi) Labour welfare concept, classification and importance.
(vii) Obligations of employer for health, safety and welfare.
(viii) Working hours of adults and Annual Leave with wages.
(ix) Employment of young persons: prohibition of employment of children, regulation of employment of young persons.
(x) Concept of minimum wage, fair wage, living wage and need based minimum wage. Procedure for fixation and revision of minimum wages.
(xi) Components of wages dearness allowance, principle of fixation.
(xii) Payment of Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen`s Compensation Act.
(xiii) Definition of wage under Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and responsibility for payment of wages.
(xiv) Concept of employer, workmen, dependent, disablement.
(xv) Workmen`s compensation: employer`s liability for compensation, amount and distribution of compensation.
(xvi) Employee`s State Insurance: Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), benefits, ESI fund and contribution.
Constitution/Governance/Polity 20 Marks
(i) Indian Constitution - Overview, nature & Philosophy of the Indian Constitution
(ii) Features of the Constitution- Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
(iii) Parliamentary System & Amendment Procedures
(iv) Federal structure, devolution of powers and finances.
(v) Important aspects of governance, transparency, accountability, e-governance etc.
Financial Markets and Institutions 10 Marks
(i) Indian Financial System: An Overview
(ii) Money Markets: Participants, Structure and Instruments.
(iii) Commercial Banks-functions of commercial Banks/ RRB/ Payment Banks.
(iv) Reforms in Banking sector.
(v) Money and Banking: Monetary/ Fiscal policy- Role and functions of Reserve Bank of India
(vi) Capital Market: Primary and Secondary Market.
(vii) Financial Market Instruments and Innovative Debt Instruments SEBI as a Regulator,
(viii) Financial Services: Mutual Funds, Venture Capital, Credit Rating Agencies, Insurance and IRDA.
Mental Ability Test 10 Marks
(i) Number series.
(ii) Letter series.
(iii) Coding decoding.
(iv) Direction sense.
(v) Blood relations.
(vi) Mathematical reasoning.
(vii) Speed, Distance and Time.
(viii) Statements and conclusions.
(ix) Logical Reasoning.
(x) Mental Reasoning.